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The Need for Clinical Research Coordinators

A CRC is responsible for overseeing and supporting a wide range of research studies and clinical trials. CRC Course signifies the importance of a clinical research coordinator. They mostly deal with the administrative work and carry out tasks such as data entry and documentation. Nonetheless, they take on research roles when it comes to the organization of clinical trials. For instance, they may research potential experiments, and study the history of similar experiments or trials. In addition to that, they assess the end result of an experiment. In case, the experiment failed, it’s the responsibility of a clinical research coordinator to formulate another strategy. CRC Training gives professionals techniques in formulating different strategies for studies.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Clinical Research Coordinator

The main responsibility of a clinical research coordinator is to oversee clinical trials and ensure that they are compliant with the objectives of each project. Furthermore, they check whether a clinical trial is following a specified protocol, Good Clinical Practice (GCP), and other regulatory requirements. Therefore, the role of the clinical coordinator is significant during three different stages of clinical trials namely:

  • Before the start of the clinical trial
  • During the process of the clinical trial

    After the conclusion of the clinical trial

They will have a better understanding of their responsibilities if they enroll in CRC Course. However, there are certain educational prerequisites to enroll in clinical research courses.

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Education and Skills

Many employers prefer those professionals who are proficient with Microsoft Office. Furthermore, interpersonal communication skills and experience of working in a team environment are the skills required for this job position. In addition to this, strong organization and prioritization skills are preferred by employers recruiting clinical research coordinators. For that reason, it is important to pursue clinical research certification programs.

The Importance of Enrolling in CRC Training Course

India is a preferred destination for several clinical trials. However, there is a huge gap in the demand and supply of clinical research professionals. The only solution is to give aspiring clinical research professionals the relevant qualification and experiences. For that reason, it is important to enroll in Clinical Research Coordinator Training.

  • Production of medicines
  • Availability of medicines
  • Usage of medicines in terms of dosage

  • Pharmaceutical Quality
  • Compositions of local produced pharmaceutical products

    Usage of herbal remedies that may pose toxicological problems when utilized alone or in combination with other medicines.

Pharmacovigilance services are needed for the avoidance of drug-induced human suffering. Therefore, medicines in the market need continuous monitoring in every country.

Bright Career Prospects for Clinical Research Coordinators

Several clinical research professionals advance to higher-level supervisory positions after pursuing CRC Training. They can also do so by getting certifications and hands-on experience in the field of clinical research.

The Job Description for a Clinical Research Coordinator

The daily activities of clinical research are monitored by clinical research coordinators. For that reason, they need to pursue CRC Course to know their daily responsibilities. They need to check the viability of the studies. Besides this, they fix the budget of the study with the help of principal investigators. The protocols of the research are also reviewed to make sure that the subjects are known with the protocol and assist to conduct the research.

On the other hand, in a laboratory setting, CRC works with the laboratory staff and principal investigators. Moreover, they need to get in touch with the research subjects for providing informed consent. Besides that, the schedule of the clinical research coordinator will vary on the basis of the research studies being conducted by the industry.

Such professionals must have a master’s degree in their relevant and chosen field. Furthermore, they need to have a certification from the top clinical research training institute in Pune.

A Week in the Life of a Clinical Research Coordinator

This section would give an individual an insight into the tasks of a clinical research coordinator. Clinical research courses prepare individuals for their duties as a CRC. The duties can vary depending on the position of the professional. The hours of a CRC can vary from time to time. It would depend on the kind of research study being conducted by the research coordinator. A Clinical Research Coordinator accommodates visits for the study patients. Apart from that, other responsibilities comprise of: –

    Ensuring that each study patient is fully informed of the study at the time of the consent

    Create source documents for study visits

    Train staff who will be working on the study

    Communicate closely with monitors, sponsors and investigators

    Conduct procedures such as vital signs, blood draws, Electrocardiograms(ECG), and bladder scans. In addition to this, they ensure that these patients are seen by physicians at regular intervals

    Clinical Research coordinators act as schedulers’.For instance they ensure study subjects are scheduled with the doctor. In addition to that they make sure those procedures that may be required to be completed during those visits.

    Gathering of lab results or procedure reports and assure the investigator reviews them in a timely manner

    Collect information for investigators to review and assess whether a patient is eligible to enroll in a study or safe to continue if they are already enrolled in the study.

    Participate in web conferences and teleconferences to stay updated for each study protocol

    Collect supplies from sponsors and ensure everything is accounted for such as laboratory kits, ancillary supplies, and investigational medication.

You can get a better idea of a week in the life of a clinical research coordinator during clinical research courses. Read on to know the different benefits that you could get in the profile of a clinical research coordinator.

Advantages of the Job Profile of a CRC

Given below are the advantages of becoming a clinical research coordinator. They are:

    The potential of earning the highest salary income

    Giving back to society by improving overall health statistics

    Many research coordinators are hired for hospitals, clinics and laboratories, therefore, these places give a full benefits package

On the other hand, one may also experience some cons of becoming a clinical research coordinator.

Disadvantages of Becoming a CRC

Given below are the disadvantages of becoming a clinical research coordinator. They are:

    Some industries may pay research coordinators less than others.

    Competition for jobs in the field of clinical research due to the high salary

    One may need to work in an entry-level position before getting recruited as a research coordinator.

Clinical research courses would help to overcome these disadvantages.

Salary of Clinical Research Coordinator

The package of a Clinical Research Coordinator is about 1,80,000 rupees per year. A professional is bound to receive a better package if he or she possesses excellent skills in clinical research.

Who Employs CRC?

There are various organizations that recruit clinical research coordinator. They include

  • Federal & Governments
  • Hospitals
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Private Research Firms
  • Universities.

To conclude, the role of a clinical research coordinator is of great significance in the clinical research industry. However, you need to have certifications from the best CRC training institute. By enrolling in clinical research coordinator courses, you could advance in his or her career. You could get in touch with TechnoBridge, the best clinical research training institute to start a career in clinical research.